This one simple sentence will make your colleagues laugh (Die Daumen drücken)

Let’s have some fun with this weird German language!

In this series of posts, I’ll show you how to make your German speaking colleagues laugh with ONE simple sentence.

Die Daumen drücken

(the thumbs press)

This expression is actually very close to a similar expression (einem ähnlichen Ausdruck) in English.

Whenever you “wish someone good luck”, in German we “press the thumbs” (die Daumen drücken) and in English you “cross the fingers”.

  • Ich drücke dir die Daumen! (I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!)
  • Ich drücke dir die Daumen für deine Prüfung! (I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your exam!)
  • Drück mir die Daumen für morgen! (Keep your fingers crossed for me for tomorrow!)

Got it?!

So here’s your action step:

Imagine your German-speaking colleague Karl-Albrecht comes to you on a Friday afternoon after finishing work with a rose in his hands (mit einer Rose in seiner Hand).

And he goes: I have a date this evening!

Smile at him and say:

  • Ich drücke dir die Daumen für heute Abend! (I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you for today evening!)

And this is what it sounds like:

Then, tell me in the comments below how he reacted :-)

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