How Adriano Went from “I have 2 kids and a quite demanding job” To Passing His B1 TELC Exam With a 94% Score in Speaking

Adriano is an Expat living in Darmstadt (Germany).

He works at ESA – European Space Agency as System Engineer.

He contacted me during the pandemic:

“I’d like to learn German to B1 level and I’m a busy father/worker :-).
My friend Simone suggested me to follow your courses. 
My idea was to get first B1 level and then in case go ahead. Do you have any idea for me?”

I recommended to him to simply follow Simone’s path and try my program “From Zero to C1 in 25 Minutes a Day“.​

He then started the program at A1.

My program offered him a structured learning system that he could easily integrate into his busy life.

Step-by-step he has been improving his German by developing a better understanding of grammar and sentence structure and growing his confidence in expressing himself when speaking.

A few months ago he gave it a try and took the official B1 TELC exam.

He was able to pass the exam with an incredible 94% score in Speaking:

  • Reading: 44/45 (98%)
  • Listening: 44/45 (98%)
  • Writing: 19/20 (95%)
  • Speaking: 94,5/100 (94,5%)

Here’s a complete interview I did with him so you can learn from his journey going through my program.

Let’s jump right into it.


What did you try before starting with my program “From Zero to C1”?

This was my first course.

What was your biggest challenge you faced with learning German?

Gender of course!! If you fail the gender, you probably also fail the right ending for the right case. Also comprehension during listening was (and still is) a challenge.

What kind of program were you looking for?

A program where you have freedom to exercise when you can (but any single day of the working week at least!). I have 2 kids and a quite demanding job. I do not have much time and the time I have is not always in the same part of the day (morning, afternoon, evening). Manuel’s course allows you to study while driving, travelling in a plane, riding a bike, cooking etc. etc.

What was your goal when you started?

To pass the B1 exam and to learn how to express my basic needs in German. I think I reached far higher objectives with this course.

What struck you the most the first time you came across my program?

The simple way with which Manuel teaches you difficult grammar rules. The toothbrush is fantastic, you will never forget ADUSO and many others. There is another thing I did not hear from people doing other courses: the quantity of listening. I think that listening is one of the most useful means to learn, of course always respecting your level. You can use a lot of podcasts while doing other things.

What was the big difference between my program and the way you learned German before?

I did not learn German before, but this course looks to me very modern, flexible and going to the point without tedious grammar teaching.

What are some of the results you’ve achieved so far going through my program?

B1 exam! Hören, Lesen, Schreiben und Sprechen, all “B1 sehr gut erfüllt”.

How did you prepare for your B1 exam?

I made the full path from A1 to B1 with Manuel’s course. Manuel explains exactly what you have to face during the exam and how to be very prepared for the speaking part. The rest comes with the excellent preparation you get following Manuel’s course.

How long did it take to prepare for your B1 exam?

1.5 years, considering 2 small children, demanding job and lockdown due to COVID…weekends were only for my family.

What was the most difficult part in the exam?

Speaking, but because my partner was in panic and this did not help me. 

Which specific resources helped you the most along the way?

Podcasts and the VHS app. 

How did you stay focused and motivated through the program?

This is my usual attitude when I have an objective. You should not give up when you see that you don’t remember a gender or a dative. Keep exercising, you will see clearly your fluency and understanding improves.

How did you manage to combine a full-time job and learning German on the side?

Trying to use some part of the day just for this. For example, right after lunch, I was not opening internet or on-line newspaper, but I dedicated 30/50 minutes to the course. If I had a meeting or a commitment, I moved the learning at the end of the working day. But never skip a day, at least this should be the goal. I was listening podcast also while pushing the Kinderwagen…

What did a typical daily learning routine look like?

My favourite slots were: in the morning when the others were still sleeping or right after lunch.

How much time did you spend daily on average for your learning?

Depending on the step, between 30 and 50 minutes.

What was your biggest obstacle and how did you overcome it?

As said previously, articles were difficult for me. Then, every time I was hearing or reading a new word, I was always checking the article, also using the mnemonic approach from Manuel.

What was the most important thing that helped you become more fluent in speaking?

Listening (also the daily podcasts from Manuel) and at the end also writing. Writing was a very big surprise for me. It helped me a lot to memorize words and also grammar rules, and then not overthink while using them.

What helped you the most to overcome the fear of speaking to others?

When you start to speak very easy phrases and see people understand you. You get more confidence and this unblocks you for the speaking.

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to learn German but finds it hard to find the time due to his/her busy life?

Simply Manuel’s course! Just focusing 30 min a day (at least) and do not miss any day and step from the course. You will see the benefit immediately.

From Zero To C1 in 25 Minutes a Day” is my All-Inclusive, complete, step-by-step, no fuss, hassle free 75 Lessons online program (yes, only 15 lessons for each Module A1/A2/B1/B2/C1) for Busy Professionals like you, so you can go from scratch to become fluent and confident to join meetings with your colleagues, negotiate with your clients and give presentations in front of your bosses IN GERMAN. Even if you have a busy working schedule.

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