#23 This one simple sentence will make your colleagues laugh

Let’s have some fun with this weird German language!

In this series of posts, I’ll show you how to make your German speaking colleagues laugh, with one simple sentence.

Lügen haben kurze Beine

(lies have short legs)

You all know the story of the Tortoise and The Hare, right!?

In that story the Tortoise wins the race against the Hare.

Not because he’s actually faster but because he keeps moving slow and steady while the hare is so confident of himself that he rests in the middle of the race.

But let’s be honest.

It shouldn’t be that difficult to pass a tortoise.

I mean he has short legs and is carrying a heavy weight.

And that’s exactly what we mean with the expression: “Lügen haben kurze Beine(lies have short legs).

When you lie you don’t really get very far with your lie.

Or as you say in English:

  • Truth will out
  • A lie never lives to be old
  • Lies don’t travel far
  • A lie has no feet

So here’s your action step:

Imagine your German-speaking colleague is about to give a presentation the next day.

He comes to you and confesses that he hasn’t prepared anything and that he will not be able to do the presentation.

He comes with the idea to tell his boss that the reason is that he’s really sick.

That he has a headache and that he has to postpone the presentation.

That the headache is so severe, because while sitting in front of the computer a big stone from the ceiling felt down on his head.

Look at him and tell him what is going through your mind:

  • Sag das nicht! Lügen haben kurze Beine! (Don’t tell this! Truth will out!)


Then, tell me in the comments below how he reacted :-)

If you like these funny phrases, click here to read older posts.

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