Day 1

Welcome to the B2 Module of my program “Advanced German for Advanced Students”.

Since you’ll find a lot of material and resources along the way, I’m going to walk you through this first lesson this week.

So over the course of the next 10 days, I’ll send you every day an email giving you the exact action steps to take and the resources and materials to use for your learning.

This way we will complete a full learning cycle for one complete lesson so you know exactly how this program is structured, how the learning system works and how you can continue to progress systematically in all other lessons.

I suggest that in these first 10 days you first read through my email, which gives context to the lessons and action steps to take and then you go to the course platform where you’ll find all the content.

Here’s your action step for today:

Today you’ll go through 2 parts:

  • Welcome to B2 level 1
  • Step 1 – Key Learning
  • In Welcome to B2 level 1, you’ll find an overview of what you’ll learn in your first lesson A2 Level 1
  • In Step 1 – Key Learning, you’ll find a podcast lesson with another student. 

So after getting introduced to my program and to your first lesson in Welcome to B2 level 1, for today, I just want you to download the podcast lesson in Step 1 – Key Learning and think of one routine, you might have today where you can listen to this podcast. 

I mean routines like having breakfast, driving in your car, exercising in the gym, or going for a walk. 

Routines where you’re not performing a task that requires your full attention like at work, and where you can listen to this first podcast lesson in the background.

Let’s start today with this first Step 1 and tomorrow I’m going to tell you how to continue.

So let’s do this, and start getting Germanized!

Click here to get to B2 Level 1 on the course platform.

Talk to you tomorrow.



PS. If you have any questions at any point during the program, just shoot an email to I’m here to help.

P.P.S. Access to the course platform:

You should have created and accessed your account for the course platform directly after enrolling and might have received your credentials as well, if not, try this:

Login Url: Login here

Username: (Your email address)

Forgot your password? Visit this page to reset it:

Day 2

I hope you could listen to the podcast of Step 1 from yesterday so we can continue today.

(If not, no worries, take your time, complete Step 1, and refer to this email once you’re ready to take the next step.)

Notice that there is a lot of podcast material on each level. 

There is a reason. 

One core learning technique that I want you to internalize from the beginning is the habit of listening in the background WHENEVER you can. 

This technique is very powerful for you since it does not require any extra time of your busy day and having great listening content, will help you even learn in an unconscious way just by listening in the background. 

Test it out for yourself. 

Push the play button and start preparing your breakfast or your coffee. You’ll notice that from time to time the audio will grab your attention. And since it does not require extra time you can listen to these podcasts more than once. You’ll notice that each time you listen to the same podcast again, you’ll learn a new detail you haven’t paid attention to before.

Here’s your action step for today:

Ok, now let’s move on to our next step today, STEP 2 – Key Learning Recap.

You’ll find a PDF cheat sheet to review the structures you learned in the podcast lesson of Step 1.

So I want you to just read through the PDF and start connecting the dots between what you listened to in the podcast of Step 1 and and PDF cheat sheet.

Click here to get to B2 Level 1 – Step 2 on the course platform.

Talk to you tomorrow to continue with Step 3.



Day 3

Here’s your action step for today:

Today let’s move on to Step 3

In Step 1 and Step 2 we’ve learned some structures and how to build some sentences.

Today we’re going to learn new words and vocabulary, but not any kind of vocab, we’ll dig deep into what I call “Pro” vocab:

“Phrasal verbs” (Präpositionalverben) and Noun-Verb constructions (Nomen-Verb Konstruktionen) which are key to reaching higher stages of the German language (C1/C2 Level).

At STEP 3 – Key Vocabulary you’ll find again a podcast.

In the podcast you’ll hear how we explain them, and build also some sample sentences so you get a first feel for them, what they mean and how they are used in context.

So, I want you to download this podcast and, same as in STEP 1, find some routines during your day where you can listen to it in the background.

Click here to get to B2 Level 1 – Step 3 on the course platform.

Talk to you tomorrow.



P.S. If you haven’t done already, click here to join my private Facebook group just for my students. You’ll find a great community of engaged students to help each other and I promise to keep you every day inspired and motivated to stay on track with your German.

Day 4

Ok, so we’ve learned some new structures in STEP 1 and STEP 2 and some new Pro vocab at STEP 3.

Today let’s dig into real German content.

At this advanced staged you shouldn’t follow anymore a coursebook but rather focus on real articles, media, and topics that are meaningful to you so you immerse more into the real German language.

The best way to this is showing you a real example of how I guide a student of mine through this process so you can follow our lead.

At this step you’ll usually find at least one podcast and a link or PDF to the article or topic we’re discussing.

Here’s your action step for today:

Today let’s move on to Step 4:

In Step 4 – Key Learning Technique you’ll find several podcasts and notes where I discuss and dissect with one of my students a real article.

So, I want you to listen to it and check the notes. 

As for the podcasts, same as in STEP 1, find some routines during your day where you can listen to it in the background.

Click here to get to B2 Level 1 – Step 4 on the course platform.

Talk to you tomorrow.



P.S. Remember: You can listen to all course podcasts conveniently on our Herr Professor podcast app. You should have already received an email invitation after enrolling, if not:

iPhone user: Download the app here.

Android user: Download the app here.

Once you have the app, create a new account first using the same email address as the one you’re using for this course.

(Remember: The app is just a tool to listen to the audio content of the course. Focus on the course platform to go through the course)

Day 5

Yesterday you started to get to know how to dissect and work through an article at Step 4

I know that you’ll find a lot of podcasts and you still might have not listened to all of them.

That’s ok. Take your time.

For this first level I took some extra time to get into the details of unknown words, structures, discussing the article and doing some written exercises, that’s why you’ll find so many podcasts.

Here’s your action step for today:

Just continue with Step 4 and listening to the podcasts and checking the notes.

Click here to get to B2 Level 1 – Step 4 on the course platform.

Talk to you tomorrow.



P.S. Remember: You can listen to all course podcasts conveniently on our Herr Professor podcast app. You should have already received an email invitation after enrolling, if not:

iPhone user: Download the app here.

Android user: Download the app here.

Once you have the app, create a new account first using the same email address as the one you’re using for this course.

(Remember: The app is just a tool to listen to the audio content of the course. Focus on the course platform to go through the course)

Day 6

You still might be listening to the podcasts of Step 4.

That’s ok. Take your time.

Keep always in mind: Learning a new language is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

Here’s your action step for today:

Just continue with Step 4 and listening to the podcasts and checking the notes.

Click here to get to B2 Level 1 – Step 4 on the course platform.

Talk to you tomorrow.



P.S. Remember: You can listen to all course podcasts conveniently on our Herr Professor podcast app. You should have already received an email invitation after enrolling, if not:

iPhone user: Download the app here.

Android user: Download the app here.

Once you have the app, create a new account first using the same email address as the one you’re using for this course.

(Remember: The app is just a tool to listen to the audio content of the course. Focus on the course platform to go through the course)

Day 7

You still might be listening to the podcasts of STEP 4. 

Take your time. 

You’ll set the pace according to your daily schedule.

Nevertheless, today I’m going to introduce you to our next step which is the last step of our core 5-step Process, STEP 5 – Take Action.

Remember, although you might be at STEP 4, that’s no problem.

Once you’re ready, you can read this email again to move on to STEP 5.

As with all material and resources, you’ll have lifetime access to go through it at your own pace.

Here’s your action step for today:

Let’s move on to Step 5:

Same as what I did at Step 4 with another student, now it’s up to YOU!

At Step 5 you’ll find a step-by-step process to find an article that is of your interest and work through it with the help of 2 learning methods I describe to you in detail.

Click here to get to B2 Level 1 – Step 5 on the course platform.



Day 8

Yesterday you started to take action and work with real German content.

This is a key decision in your learning process, not only to choose advanced real content but also to choose something YOU are interested in.

Research shows that learning is more durable if the decision what to learn comes from within you and it’s not given to you like in traditional courses where they just give you a random text to read.

So the key takeaway is: Use topics YOU are personally interested in to take your German to the next level.

I can guide you and show you some examples as in Step 4 on how to do this, but YOU have to ultimately find out what’s meaningful to YOU.

Remember the tools you have at your disposal to dissect the article and enhance your learning experience:

  • Use (we introduced it in Step 4) to create your own flashcards for new unknown words so you can review them
  • Use the “Scriptorium Technique” or the “Free Voluntary Reading” method to go through articles in detail
  • Use our recommended database to find compelling real German content or add the ones you like to your own one
  • Start practicing your writing to digest everything and have key questions in mind to help with your comprehension

Here’s your action step for today:

Continue working through your article as described step-by-step at Step 5.

Click here to get to B2 Level 1 – Step 5 on the course platform.

Talk to you tomorrow.



Day 9

Great. You went through all the 5 Steps and completed the full cycle of B2 Level 1.

You’re getting Germanized :-)

Let me remind you of some additional resources you can find in “The Vault – Additional resources” after Step 5

Today I want you to check the additional resources in The Vault – Tip #1 for your B2 exam and The Vault – Special Podcast: “German with Herr Professor”:

In The Vault – Tip #1 for your B2 exam you’ll find simple yet powerful tips to help you level by level prepare for the B2 exam.

In The Vault – Special Podcast: “German with Herr Professor” you’ll listen to open and fun conversations in German with other students.

This podcast will help you learn to express a lot of new things and overcome many struggles you still may share with other students at your level.

Here’s your action step for today:

Check The Vault – Tip #1 for your B2 exam which will just take you 2 minutes.

And listen into The Vault – Special Podcast: “German with Herr Professor”

Click here to get to B2 Level 1 – The Vault on the course platform.

Talk to you tomorrow.



Day 10


We went through the complete learning cycle and materials of B2 Level 1 and you saw how a level is structured and how and when to use the resources of the core 5-Step process and the Vault.

On each new level that opens up you’ll find the exact same structure. 

First there will be the core 5-step process then you’ll have “the Vault” with additional resources.

You already have access to your next level B2 Level 2, since every week a new Lesson will open.

But, remember:

The pace is set by the time YOU need to go through each Step as explained in my 10-day plan.

Some students might take 1 week to go through one level, some less, some more.

So no worries, set YOUR own pace.

Remember, you’ll have lifetime access to your materials so you can start, pause, resume and review anything at any time.

Every week a new level will open up, but you can refer to them whenever you feel ready to start this Level.

So, once you’ve finished B2 Level 1 you can start with your next level.

In B2 Level 2 we’ll recap and complete the core grammar topic MODAL VERBS:

  • Subjective meaning of modal verbs: Du magst Recht haben.
  • Modal verbs in the past: Ich habe gut kochen können.
  • Verbs used alike modal verbs: Ich lerne jetzt kochen.

Bonus Vault Material:

  • Tip #2 for your B2 exam
  • Special podcast “German with Herr Professor”

Remember every week I’ll open up the next level for you, but take your time, don’t rush through everything. 

Don’t underestimate the gap between “I understand” and “I feel fluent and confident with it”.

The right pace will be set by the time you need to go through all the steps.

See you next week when I open up B2 Level 3.

And remember, if you get stuck, have any questions or find any bug, just drop an email at

I’m here to help.

Talk to you soon.

Bis bald



P.S. Whenever you get stuck with your learning or want to refer back to this 10-Day step-by-step plan to get back on track, just go to the section “Struggling with procrastination? Get here the tools to change” you’ll find after Level 15:

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